Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mom's Birthday Card

My Mom's birthday was last week so I decided to make her a special card. I got the idea from a craft blog online and then modified it. The first picture is of the card in it's "presentation form". And yes, it's a box.

When you take the lid off the sides fall down and reveal the card. On the top side there is a gift card holder.



In the middle I cut out the 'Birthday Girl' along with balloons and butterflies. 


  1. I LOVE THAT! A present and a card in one. It's brilliant! I don't suppose you'll share the craft blog?

  2. I'm liking it a lot.

  3. wow, you make the coolest cards. they are so beautiful and inventive

  4. Thanks you guys.
    Jolene- Of course I will reveal the craft blog. I need to find which one it is, I have visted alot of craft sites lately and am not sure which one it came from :) But I will look for it today.
